Category Archives: Open Source

Disable Browser auto complete on TimeUnits input box

Using the here described method, you can add a few simple lines of Java Script to disable the Browser auto complete function on the time units input box.

The problem is, when you are required to fill in the time spent on a ticket, the auto complete dropdown will conceal the submit button and you have to click somewhere else before you can submit your response:


Or you could accidentally select a wrong time by trying to click submit while the dropdown is still up.

When you follow my guide to register your own Java Script file in OTRS you can simply add the following code to disable auto complete on the time units input:

$( document ).ready(function() {
    if ( $('#TimeUnits').length )
        $('#TimeUnits').autocomplete({ disabled: true });

If you’d prefer to keep the auto complete but still want the Submit button clickable you could shrink the time units input box by removing the W50pc class from it.

$( document ).ready(function() {
    if ( $('#TimeUnits').length )

Enjoy our OTRS


Storing CustomerUser data in dynamic fields

As described in the OTRS documentation it is possible to take customer information, for example from an LDAP Backend, to a dynamic field when a ticket is created or the customer is changed. This could later be used for reporting and would preserve the value from the time of ticket creation, even when it is changed in the LDAP backend.

Unfortunately the documentation is not that detailed, especially if you new to OTRS. So here is a little more information on how to do this.

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Running javascript on any OTRS Agent or Customer site

Customizing your OTRS setup with javascript is pretty easy. All you need is two files and a new folder. No need to create your own theme.

Before you go on, please do not try this on a production system, use a test system.
If you don’t have one, build one or use the OTRS Appliance.

I am using OTRS 3.3 any other version might differ from what I’m doing, so please use caution.

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